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Sunday, 25 May 2014

Vaastu for Kitchens (I)

Kitchen being a woman's arena in the house should never be neglected. The health of female natives of the house correlates to it's Vaastu. The positive energy in the kitchen is essential for the well being of the family too. 

The science of Vaastu suggests the color of slabs in the kitchen as black. The color black absorbs the  heat. Black has a tendency to absorb all wavelengths of light and reflects none. Kitchen is the only area of house where maximum heat is generated as a result of cooking.
The black granite/marble kitchen slabs serve best for this purpose.Excess heat if not absorbed can affect us and increase negative Vaastu in surrounding

Enjoy reading Vaastu tips -

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Monday, 5 May 2014

Free Online Check of Vaastu compliance of your Home

->Drag and drop the parts of your Home from the outside corners into the rectangle placed in the centre based on the directions

->Fill up the form details in the right hand corner

->After you are done, click on the ‘PrtSc’ button on keyboard

->Open MS Paint in your computer and click on Menu button ‘Edit’ and then click ‘Paste’ and save the file

->Send this saved file  as an attachment to   ‘’

->We would send you the Vaastu Compliance Report of your Home free of charge on your E-mail within 3-4 days

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Vaastu & Relationships!!!

Positive Energies at home improve Relationships....Avoid keeping articles in front of the Main Door as the shadow of such articles drive negative Vastu in the house. It is observed in a few apartments or floors where we have basements;  such sites are generally fit for commercial use and should not be subject to stay as it not only hampers the relationships amongst family members but also brings ill luck and misfortune

It is auspicious to have the entrance to the site/property in the same direction as that of Main Door and this enhances the Vastu of the house
 and aids in maintaining healthy relationships

We tend to stick pictures or images on the Main Door. It’s suggested as per Vaastu to have brass metal symbols to attract positivity and improvise the look of Main Door.

Storage of shoes is advised in the shoe rack kept on the sides of the Main Door. Shoes should not be kept in front of the Main Door

Synergy of Cosmic Energy & Vastu

The term ‘Cosmic' can be referred to as ‘energy particles in the space surrounding us’. This form of energy has its source in the Sun and is emitted by Sun to our planet. How and why Vastu would be related to these energies? Well the crux of Vastu as laid in the Principles of Vaastu Shastra throws light on the positioning of objects around us in synchronization with the eight directions. Going slightly more in depth we can relate the directions to the five elements – Air/Water/Fire/Earth & Space. 

Our bodies contain portions of these elements in varied proportions. If we were to relate this back to our discussion on Vastu; an effective synchronization can take place only when the Directions around us are not carrying any defects. Even if there be defects in these Directions due to improper placement and even if Vastu Rectifications be required to improvise on these Directions; in turn the after effect would be the whole surrounding around us taking a shape to absorb the positive effects of these Cosmic Rays. The cosmic energy being emitted from such an important source, being the Sun has to impact our bodies and in turn our minds. The little known facts do make some meaning (‘Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body). 

With the consequences wherein our bodies get charged up with the cosmic energies and thereby we are able to perform our day to day activities with greater diligence making us happier at the end of the day. In my researches I have laid special emphasis as to understand the flow of energies and the synchronization of these cosmic energies with the magnetic gravitational energy which in turn affect us. 

The balance in the angles of the walls in the house to the corners which need to be kept heavy and the areas in the house which have to be kept lighter are all governed by theory of weight which as a result are proportionate to the five elements. Page -

Lunar Eclipse & Effects on Vastu of Home

            Lunar Eclipse & Effects on Vastu of Home

It’s a rare spectacular event that occurs and one cannot miss the gaze at the magnificent beauty in the sky being shadowed by our own very planet.

The Signification of Moon is linked to the North West Direction according to the Vaastu Principles.

The Direction is symbolic of the creative sides in all of us, world of dreams & imagination existing in our minds. The planet Moon also symbolizes wealth, fortune, wisdom and travel.

With the advent of eclipse the North West direction of our homes does get affected and this region tends to be surrounded with negativity.

We should ensure cleaning of the Homes with rock salt in order to regain the synchronization of energies in order to lead a happy and successful life..


Hope you won’t forget to drain away the water in the aquariums and other water plants and refill them with fresh water at home post the eclipse.. 

 Free Vaastu Consultation at

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Direction for water is in the North East. That's the best direction you can plan for the fountain in the house..Just keep it flowing!!!!