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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Thought to ponder ->

 Ever wondered about the Brahmasthal.. The Brahmasthal of the Home or any building, literally meaning the centre place which should be kept light with least fixtures in this portion as per the guidelines laid in Vaastu shastra..This section signifies the core and piousness. Placing an idol certainly energizes it causing a ripple effect all around...
Thought to ponder  

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Effect of Pyramids on our lives

Wondering on the amazing affect of Pyramids on our lives - Try hanging the Pyramids in the North and East zone of your Homes and Offices. The size of the Pyramids has to be appropriate and the height at which they are hung should be in proportion to the height of Main Door/Entry Gate

Vaastu importance of our planet

Ever wondered as to the magnetic influence of our planet being linked to the immensely important science of Vaastu. The gravitational forces on our planet is the guide to the four prime directions; and the eight directions in all...Earth is one of the significant elements studied in the science of Vaastu since ages.Our sages and the architects in the past laid the foundation of this science which finds its presence in the ancient Vedas too (Rig Veda)
Vaastu importance of our planet

Vaastushastra for the Main Door - Part II

The metal doors fixed on the Main Door should open on the other end of the Main Door's opening direction. This helps in the clockwise flow of good Vaastu in house...Cheers!!!

Friday, 10 August 2012

Vaastu for the Main Door - Part 1

The Main Door of the House is a very important consideration from the perspective of Vaastu Shastra. The science advises least usage of iron/metal doors as it causes an hindrance to good Vaastu Energy entering Homes


Saturday, 26 May 2012

Vaastu for kitchens without structural changes

Your kitchens can be in any direction...If you haven't checked the layout before taking up a may still get the positive effect of Vastu at home. The science of Vaastushastra has laid principles wherein you can position the cooking gas/microwave oven in a particular direction to get the benefits of Vastu from kitchen..visit

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Vaastu - Direction to bathe

The next time you are about to have shower; just ponder – is it that you’re just cleansing your body or purifying it too with cosmic sun rays. The Science of Vaastushastra lays down in its principles as to how to attain the benefits of cosmic rays. While we stand in a position facing the direction of sunrise and pour water on our bodies; the cosmic rays from the Sun blend with the water to provide us utmost benefits. These rays with the energizing effect promote Good Vastu and builds up the positivity inside us. And how do we forget the saints who take a dip in rivers and bathe while offering water to the sun at sunrise….Don’t just live…you got to live a happier life too!!!!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Daily Rituals!!!!

Greet the morning Sun..Breathe the fresh air through windows in North...Enjoy the sleep in the rooms in South, West and South West..Live your Dreamzzz...Don't forget to check the updates here...Check your Home Vastu on

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Placement of Lord Ganesha at Home

Dear Sir, I live in London (UK), and I wish to seek some advice on where to hang two lovely pictures which i have please. The first picture is a Lord Ganesh picture. I was planning to hang the picture in my lounge. Please can you advice me if the back of the picture should face the direction in which the sun rises. ... SUNRISE >>> BACK OF PICTURE-FRONT OF PICTURE The second picture which I have is of Laxmi Goddess. I wish to hang this picture in my kitchen, and above the door which leads into the garden. Once again, should the back of the picture face the direction of sunrise? SUNRISE>>>> BACK OF PICTURE-FRONT OF PICTURE I sincerely look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. kind regards,
With regards to the picture of Lord Ganesha to be hung in the lounge; you need to check the Direction first. It would be appropriate to hang the picture in North/North East wall, so which makes it aligned in a manner that the Sun won't face Lord Ganesha picture. Likewise for Goddess Lakshmi too.

The Hidden Secret of Numerological Number 9 and Vaastu..

Not just 3*3; the number 9 itself is symbolic of a sacred number. From signifying”completeness” in Bahá'í Faith to being a divine number in Hinduism; it’s relation to Vaastu cannot be ruled out. We study the solar system comprising of the nine planets; and the effect of planets on life of humans can be understood well through the Science of Vaastu too. While we have each Direction in Vaastu related to a particular planet; the likewise effects of the influence of these Directions is witnessed in our day to day lives at Home/Office…Ever wondered as to why the South East Direction ( linked to the Planet Venus) is the appropriate Direction for the Kitchen at Home…
Also the use of tiny pyramids to improve the positivity in a particular area has to be of a dimension (9”*9”) in order to derive maximum benefits in Vastu Shastra. The minimum height of Room according to the Principles of Vastu Shastra has been 9 feet.Not to forget the rosary beads used to chant mantras are 108 in count ( again summing up to number 9). The power of this number is also witnessed while applying numerous concepts of Vastu to our surroundings. The science of Astrology links this sacred number to the planet “Mars’ and “Mars” is linked to one of the five elements – “Earth” in Vaastu

Side walks @ Homes

Name:Harry Singh Country:u.s.a. City:sacramento Site:home Comments:Hello -
My house is east facing with one entry door and garage on the side. there is internal walk way on both side of the house ( facing front) . One walkway with door opening towards inside and the other walkway without door. Will it be helpful to put a door on the other walkway too?
Please visit the below link for a Vastu Compliance Report for your Home -
Please find below the response to your query -
As you mentioned about the internal walk ways (two of them), it would not really matter if you have a door to another walkway. As long as you just have one single Main Door Entry to your home and the walkways with the entry to your home be used sparingly for Entry/Exit. The other walkway may/may not have a Door. Only have the Door to the other walkway if you can't do without it.

Effect of the Main Door of House

We are looking for a new home in USA. And we have found a house where the main door falls in South quadrant (very slight deviation to SW). The living room and the master bedroom is in North Quadrant and the kitchen is in East Quadrant. The additonal bedroom is in South Quadrant. The Garage is in West quadrant. We really liked this home. But just checking whether this layout has good vaastuso that we can proceed with the rest of the formalities. Please advise.

The Position of Main door at any site holds great relevance and is of prime importance. Also the structure of the Door and the height and width of the Door needs to be appropriate too as per the guidelines of Vastu Shastra. Since the Main Door to your site ( as referred in the query) falls in the South Quadrant, though the deviation being towards South West would attract the negative radiations more and is prone to give sudden changes to the lives and lifestyles of inmates residing. Also, this Dosham can be removed by positioning appropriate articles in the surrounding and taking measures to generate the positive effect of Vastu at the site.
The Master Bedroom in the North is again not advisable as per the Principles of Vastu.
The position of the garage too is important for getting the utmost cosmic effects of Vastu as the smoke emitted from the vehicle as we start should not affect the good Vastu around. Also certain Directions are meant to be heavier and there are others which need to be kept lighter.
Vaastu defects at any site can be removed by maximizing energy at positive zones and synchronizing the flow of energy based on five elements (Air,Water,Earth, Fire & Space) in relation to the Principles of Vastu Shastra by placement of furniture and positioning of articles in the appropriate directions. The effect of cosmic radiations and synchronization of these cosmic energies with the magnetic gravitational energy which in turn affect us; makes our Homes & Offices Vaastu compliant thus promoting a positive environment for healthy and happy living.

Lunar Eclipse & Effects on Vastu of Home

It’s a rare spectacular event that occurs and one cannot miss the gaze at the magnificent beauty in the sky being shadowed by our own very planet. The Signification of Moon is linked to the North West Direction according to the Vaastu Principles. The Direction is symbolic of the creative sides in all of us, world of dreams & imagination existing in our minds. The planet Moon also symbolizes it with wealth, fortune, wisdom and travel. With the advent of eclipse the North West direction of our homes does get affected and this region tends to be surrounded with negativity. We should ensure cleaning of the Homes with rock salt in order to regain the synchronization of energies in order to lead a happy and successful life..
Hope you won’t forget to drain away the water in the aquariums and other water plants and refill them with fresh water at home post the eclipse..

Vastu dosh (Vaastu Defects)

tusha dahal
Site:Comments:please email me about bow to remove the effect of vastu dosh. my bedroom door and toilet are exactly opposite each other. its not good i think. also let me know about the best position to place god's mandir and bit about kitchen vaastu

Vaastu Dosh can be removed by correctly positioning the articles at the site. Vaastu defects at any site can be removed by maximizing energy at positive zones and synchronizing the flow of energy based on five elements (Air, Water,Earth, Fire & Space) in relation to the Principles of Vastu Shastra by placement of furniture and positioning of articles in the appropriate directions.The effect of cosmic radiations and synchronization of these cosmic energies with the magnetic gravitational energy which in turn affect us; making Homes & Offices Vaastu compliant thus promoting a positive environment for healthy and happy living.

It is indeed a Dosham to have the Bedroom Door & Toilet Doors facing each other and this leads to increasing negative radiations at the site. For the Mandir/Pooja Room at the House, the Direction as laid down under the Principles of Vastushastra are the North East. Since the Planets governing both these Directions being Mercury and Sun, it assists in getting the optimum results from such a placement. But one should be really weary to the exact positioning as the influence of the surrounding area also plays a significant role. The Kitchen Vastu primarily depends on the position of it in the house. By keeping the articles in the Kitchen in a manner in which perfect cosmic flow can be maintained without interfering in the flow of energies from Five Elements – Air, water, Earth, fire & Space

Vaastu Rectification is not about Rebuilding & Reconstruction. Vaastu defects at any site can be removed by maximizing energy at positive zones and synchronizing the flow of energy based on five elements (Air, Water,Earth, Fire & Space) in relation to the Principles of Vastu Shastra by placement of furniture and positioning of articles in the appropriate directions.The effect of cosmic radiations and synchronization of these cosmic energies with the magnetic gravitational energy which in turn affect us; making Homes & Offices Vaastu compliant thus promoting a positive environment for healthy and happy living.

Benefits of Dancing Ganesha

"Name:Baiju A
Comments:I am planing to buy a " Dancing Ganapathy" in my home. Can you say the benefits of this. Any problem if putting this statue in my Prayer Room. If you can give guidance I am very thank full to you."
Benefits of Dancing Ganapathy are linked to accentuating the South East Direction. Due to the significance of Venus attached to the Direction; it can be beneficial for the members residing at the site, if they are linked to any form of Art/creativity. Also it is strongly recommended as to not to place the Dancing Ganesha in your Prayer room. Depending on the Appropriate Direction of Main Door and the Living Room, it can be correctly placed so as to attain the positive effects of it

Five Elements of Vastu & Us

Air - We breathe and the flow of energy around us is relative to the air current at our site. The Direction of the Main Door, Windows at Home/Office sites and the ventilation's open to the skies affect this flow. Keeping the Doors of the Rooms and Windows open to Sunlight improvises this current significantly promoting positivity in the surrounding.
Water – Our bodies contain close to 60% of Water and the Energy gained from this source is vital to keep our bodies feel rejuvenated. The temperature of Water we consume affects our behavior and in turn affecting our attitude and lifestyles. Keeping the storage of Water in the appropriate Direction can provide us the appropriate temperature making us feel active and charged up the whole day. Likewise if this storage happens to be in an anti Direction according to Vastu Principles; the Water we would be consuming can have adverse affects making us even feel lethargic.
Fire – We cook our foods on fire and at times use other appliances like a microwave oven which has high temperature to cook our dishes the way we wish to have. Keeping the cooking gas stoves in the correct Direction does affect the food being cooked on and an incorrect direction as per Vastu for this source of energy around us can spread negativity around which in turn makes us feel angrier at times or making us feel low and sad.
Earth – The constructions have a foundation on the land and the currents flowing at the core of Earth have an influence on the buildings too. The Buildings constructed in appropriate Direction can gain the access of Cosmic Energies surrounding us and such Buildings absorb them to the maximum whereas the Buildings in an incorrect Direction as advised under the Principles of Vastu Shastra get influence of the negative energies as they get absorbed in these Directions
Space – According to Einstein it expands and contracts depending on what velocity we’re moving at, and it gets bent out of shape by the presence of solid matter. Due to the movement of our planet around the Sun and the Solar Energy affecting our lives accordingly and the rhythmic effect of this element on our minds and souls is immense

Vastu – The Art of Living

Little do we realize as to how the Principles of Vastu laid down in the ancient texts and practiced since ages affect the mankind on Earth. We cannot deny the Gravitational Pull and the Magnetic currents around us. The Architecture built up on the lines of Vaastu Science has shown wonders on the inhabitants. The Patterns & Designs based on the Art of Vastu Shastra in Structures endeavors a balance with our Mother Nature. The Spiritual-Emotional Balance of our Body & Mind is governed by this ancient Science which aids in a harmonious living. The dimensions of the walls, proportion of area, color of the surrounding, positioning of the materials, flooring, interiors, angles & corners of the site and the affect of light constitute the basic energies providing immense positivity and in turn enlightening us. The Application of this sacred Science is not just restricted to our Homes but Offices too helping us lead a life of harmony bestowing the fruits of prosperity, success, growth, love and kindnes

Synergy of Cosmic Energy & Vastu

The term ‘Cosmic' can be referred to as ‘energy particles in the space surrounding us’. This form of energy has its source in the Sun and is emitted by Sun to our planet. How and why Vastu would be related to these energies? Well the crux of Vastu as laid in the Principles of Vaastu Shastra throws light on the positioning of objects around us in synchronization with the eight directions. Going slightly more in depth we can relate the directions to the five elements – Air/Water/Fire/Earth & Space. Our bodies contain portions of these elements in varied proportions. If we were to relate this back to our discussion on Vastu; an effective synchronization can take place only when the Directions around us are not carrying any defects. Even if there be defects in these Directions due to improper placement and even if Vastu Rectifications be required to improvise on these Directions; in turn the after effect would be the whole surrounding around us taking a shape to absorb the positive effects of these Cosmic Rays. The cosmic energy being emitted from such an important source, being the Sun has to impact our bodies and in turn our minds. The little known facts do make some meaning (‘Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body). With the consequences wherein our bodies get charged up with the cosmic energies and thereby we are able to perform our day to day activities with greater diligence making us happier at the end of the day. In my researches I have laid special emphasis as to understand the flow of energies and the synchronization of these cosmic energies with the magnetic gravitational energy which in turn affect us. The balance in the angles of the walls in the house to the corners which need to be kept heavy and the areas in the house which have to be kept lighter are all governed by theory of weight which as a result are proportionate to the five elements.