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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Vastu – The Art of Living

Little do we realize as to how the Principles of Vastu laid down in the ancient texts and practiced since ages affect the mankind on Earth. We cannot deny the Gravitational Pull and the Magnetic currents around us. The Architecture built up on the lines of Vaastu Science has shown wonders on the inhabitants. The Patterns & Designs based on the Art of Vastu Shastra in Structures endeavors a balance with our Mother Nature. The Spiritual-Emotional Balance of our Body & Mind is governed by this ancient Science which aids in a harmonious living. The dimensions of the walls, proportion of area, color of the surrounding, positioning of the materials, flooring, interiors, angles & corners of the site and the affect of light constitute the basic energies providing immense positivity and in turn enlightening us. The Application of this sacred Science is not just restricted to our Homes but Offices too helping us lead a life of harmony bestowing the fruits of prosperity, success, growth, love and kindnes