We are looking for a new home in USA. And we have found a house where the main door falls in South quadrant (very slight deviation to SW). The living room and the master bedroom is in North Quadrant and the kitchen is in East Quadrant. The additonal bedroom is in South Quadrant. The Garage is in West quadrant. We really liked this home. But just checking whether this layout has good vaastuso that we can proceed with the rest of the formalities. Please advise.
The Position of Main door at any site holds great relevance and is of prime importance. Also the structure of the Door and the height and width of the Door needs to be appropriate too as per the guidelines of Vastu Shastra. Since the Main Door to your site ( as referred in the query) falls in the South Quadrant, though the deviation being towards South West would attract the negative radiations more and is prone to give sudden changes to the lives and lifestyles of inmates residing. Also, this Dosham can be removed by positioning appropriate articles in the surrounding and taking measures to generate the positive effect of Vastu at the site.
The Master Bedroom in the North is again not advisable as per the Principles of Vastu.
The position of the garage too is important for getting the utmost cosmic effects of Vastu as the smoke emitted from the vehicle as we start should not affect the good Vastu around. Also certain Directions are meant to be heavier and there are others which need to be kept lighter.
Vaastu defects at any site can be removed by maximizing energy at positive zones and synchronizing the flow of energy based on five elements (Air,Water,Earth, Fire & Space) in relation to the Principles of Vastu Shastra by placement of furniture and positioning of articles in the appropriate directions. The effect of cosmic radiations and synchronization of these cosmic energies with the magnetic gravitational energy which in turn affect us; makes our Homes & Offices Vaastu compliant thus promoting a positive environment for healthy and happy living.